Sunday, 8 February 2009

Absolute Disatser

Result since last update -£13.24

Everything I have touched has simply gone wrong.

£10 of the total loss came from two under 2.5 goals bets in the Portuguese league.

Biggest horse racing loss of £1 came while testing the latest version of Gruss's betting assistant. I reversed the ladder as usual but when I clicked on the pink column to Lay I found this backs instead.

On the trading front I traded 15 races losing 11. What I did was after my successful outing last week I decided to read a lot of technical analysis articles to tweak my systems and possibly avoid losses. The end result I turned a winning system into a loosing one. I guess the answer is to go back to the system I used last week. Today when I did the bulk of the trading my talk talk broadband packed up for the first two hours meaning I lost 50% of the racing. From there I just couldn't recover and my timing was always slightly off. Exiting bets too early or hanging on too long. I lost 5 ticks on 3 races which meant my stops got hit and the trades never went my way as I use a 5 tick sliding stop. Anyway I will study those races to see what I can learn. I am dissapointed as mentally I wasn't with it at all.

Anyway I have resolved not to trade when there is only 1 meet as it is just a waste of time .

I probably will do some trading Thursday or Friday using Logmein at work

Sunday, 1 February 2009

This is what we are talking about

Profit since last update £9.76

Made up of Football £5.23, Horse racing £4.53

Apart from the £ won I am pleased the horse racing seems to be coming together.
On Saturday I won 6 & lost 1, Sunday won 7 lost 3.

Football profits came from backing under 2.5 goals in two Greek games.

I am taking the day of tomorrow and if I can win again I will increase my stakes. The mental side is still really hard and I have to work on it. I really panic when I enter trades and they initially go against me. I am still exiting trades too early but green is green. Of the 4 losses two were trades I shouldn't have gone in and one I lost because I lost my internet connection for about 5 minutes. I was really pleased with a race I scratched. I layed the favourite but noticed that the 2nd and 3rd favourites had started drifting to so quickly exited trade. 30 seconds later favourite had shortened by about 6 ticks.

I am really excited but need to keep my feet on the ground.