P&L Since last update
Horse Racing £22.35
Football -£0.90
Casino Bonus £71.50
Horse Racing
Thursday 18th -£4.61
Friday 19th £11.68 (includes a loss of £5 on a lay bet that didn't come off)
Saturday 20th £15.28
Trading has been at reduced stakes - max loss 5 ticks/£1.50 instead of 5ticks/£3.00
So back to break even for the month even though I needed a casino bonus to do this - hey it all counts. Also been happy with discipline and resolve to let bot trade uninterrupted. I am happier with reduced stakes as it appears that psychologically I can handle £10 daily losses but suffer when daily losses hit £25
I have another filter I hope to test in the next couple of days. Throughout yesterday I have been building a betfair tracker which can monitor markets long term. My plan is to collect horse racing data for two weeks and see if some ideas I have work in the longer term markets.
I have two laying systems which are easy to implement but find only 2 or 3 bets a week and I am still trying to decide if it is worth it. Also why I have dropped football betting as I feel there are easier ways to make money. My reasons
Firstly you have to be glued to the pc/tele to react if goals are scored
Secondly I was trading the correct score markets and I just wasn't happy with the gaps between best back and best lay prices. I have been spoilt by the efficiency and liquidity of the UK horse racing win markets. I actually tried the Irish and place markets and gave up for the same reasons.
February Flops
1 day ago
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